Caricamento file in corso...

Job request
personal data
write date in this format gg/mm/aaaa
- married
- not married
Your photo

To facilitate our selection, we ask you to use a close-up with a clean background .
I ask to be hired at this company as a:
Contract type:
- I'm available
- I'm not available
- Immediate
- From
- Gg notice
Specialization courses attended
Driver's license
write date in this format gg/mm/aaaa
write date in this format gg/mm/aaaa
write date in this format gg/mm/aaaa
write date in this format gg/mm/aaaa
Current working conditions
- Employed
- Not employed
- Indefinite time
- Time determined
- Asdi
- Aspi
- Naspi
- Cigo
- Cigs
- Mobilità
- Other:
Previous working conditions
- Indefinite time
- Time determined
- Indefinite time
- Time determined
Personal information
- No
- Yes
- No
- Yes
- No
- Yes
By clicking on the confirmation button, authorize this company to use the above-mentioned business data in the context of personnel selection procedures, and aware that anyone who publishes misleading statements is punished under the Criminal Code and the special laws in this matter, I attribute to this self-certification effect ex art. 46 DPR 445/2000.
I read the informative and, pursuant to Article 7 of the EU Reg.to 2016/679, I authorize the processing of my personal data.